Emergency Attorney Available (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
Emergency Attorney Available (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
In cases involving major drug busts and vehicle stops on Interstate 80, Nebraska police often use drug dogs to search for illegal substances.
The use of these dogs is controversial.
Law enforcement will lie about traffic violations to pull over vehicles to then search the vehicle with a drug dog. Frequently, law enforcement claims a driver was following another vehicle too closely as a pretext to stop the vehicle and look for drugs.
If you are a minority, in a rental vehicle, you are not going to make it through Nebraska without being stopped for a fabricated traffic offense used as a ploy to search the car for marijuana, THC, Hash, Hash Oil, or other drugs.
If you have been arrested in Seward, Nebraska, Seward County, York County, Hamilton county or anywhere in Nebraska after a drug dog searched your car, contact an experienced attorney or lawyer at Wythers Law.
You shouldn't be arrested just because you are a minority in a rental vehicle. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney and lawyer.
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
Drug dogs are trained to detect the odor of drugs. The odor itself does not necessarily indicate the presence of drugs, though in most cases, courts have found that the existence of the odor provided sufficient cause for the police to perform a search.
Still, some drug dogs can be unreliable.
Chad carefully reviews the facts in your case, including the training records of the dog in question. He may be able to challenge the admissibility of any evidence uncovered by the dog search through the use of expert witnesses in drug dog training.
In many drug cases, illegal search and seizure methods used by the police can provide the key to a successful outcome.
Contact an Attorney at Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
If a drug dog has been used in your case, you need the legal services of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Many vehicles stopped on Interstate 80 are searched by drug dogs. If you were in a vehicle stopped on Interstate 80 in Nebraska and a drug dog was used, hire an attorney immediately to review the use of the drug dog to make sure your rights are protected:
If you have been stopped for a drug offense in the following counties or cities contact Wythers Law as soon as possible to discuss your options.
Seward County, Nebraska
Seward, Nebraska
York County, Nebraska
York, Nebraska
Fillmore County, Nebraska
Geneva, Nebraska
Hamilton County, Nebraska
Aurora, Nebraska
Contact an Attorney at Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427