WYTHERS LAW (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
WYTHERS LAW (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
Have you been arrested in the state of Nebraska for drug trafficking on Interstate 80? Have you been arrested for possessing marijuana, THC, Hash or Dabs? I-80 through Nebraska is notorious for being a major East-West drug trafficking route, with the money traveling west and drugs traveling to markets in the Midwest and East Coast.
The highways and interstate enable narcotics transportation from West Coast ports of entry to distribution hubs in cities like Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, and Boston.
Due to the legalization of marijuana in many states, the drug trafficking trade has made I-80 a primary route for moving marijuana from the states of Washington, California, and Colorado, to Midwestern and Eastern states where it is not yet legalized. This makes out-of-state travelers on I-80 with license plates from states that have legalized marijuana a target for law enforcement to stop and search.
The Nebraska State Patrol often stops these vehicles for an alleged minor traffic violation in order to search for drugs as well as for large sums of cash which are the alleged proceeds of the interstate drug trade.
Contact an Attorney with Wythers Law for legal services related to drug possession and transportation of marijuana, hash, dabs, THC or other illegal drugs.
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
The penalties you face for a conviction on charges of drug trafficking or related offenses depend on several factors, including the quantity and type of drugs and whether you are being prosecuted by the state or federal government. Generally, a sentence for crimes of this nature can include:
The penalty of having your cash confiscated could leave you feeling helpless and enraged. Experienced criminal defense attorneys know how to challenge asset forfeiture actions and the associated criminal charges, such as money laundering, conspiracy, and aiding and abetting the consummation of a felony, in both state and federal interstate drug cases.
Asset Forfeiture in I-80 Drug Stop Cases
Although it is not illegal to possess large sums of cash, prosecutors believe it is a violation to pass through the state of Nebraska in possession of money that has been obtained through the sale of illegal drugs or is intended for the purchase of illegal drugs.
If unusually large sums of cash are found in the vehicle, it may be assumed that the money is being used for drug trafficking and the cash is liable to be seized by the officer regardless of whether criminal charges are filed against the driver or other occupants. According to the Washington Post, nearly $2.5 billion have been forfeited in 62,000 cases of asset seizure without a warrant or indictment made against the suspect.
In effect, your property is "guilty" and confiscated until you can prove it innocent. The burden of proof for the government is lower in a civil asset forfeiture case than a criminal case.
A strong criminal defense attorney who knows how to attack forfeiture cases can use this for your defense.
Contact an Attorney with
Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
Fourth Amendment Defenses for Drug Prosecutions
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution protects citizens from “unreasonable searches and seizures.” Police must obtain your consent or a judge’s authorization to search your person, your vehicle, or your home unless the circumstances permit a warrantless search.
Many people traveling from Colorado through Nebraska are stopped and arrested after a search results in marijuana, hash, hash oil, dabs, or other drug items.
Chad has challenged drug prosecutions on many fronts:
If the basis for the traffic stop or warrant was invalid, or if police exceeded the scope of the warrant, the prosecution’s entire case may crumble.
Chad aggressively files motions to suppress ill-obtained evidence. This may lead to dismissed charges, reduced charges, or fruitful negotiations with the prosecuting attorney. If the case proceeds to trial, search and seizure violations provide the reasonable doubt for a mistrial or acquittal.
Do not be intimidated. Your rights and property are protected under the United States Constitution. If you have been arrested or charged in one of the following Nebraska cities or Nebraska Counties, contact an attorney immediately.
Seward County, Nebraska
Seward, Nebraska
Lancaster County, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Saline County, Nebraska
Crete, Nebraska
Butler County, Nebraska
David City, Nebraska
York County, Nebraska
York, Nebraska
Fillmore County, Nebraska
Geneva, Nebraska
Hamilton County, Nebraska
Aurora, Nebraska
Contact an Attorney with
Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
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