Emergency Lawyer Available Now (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
Emergency Lawyer Available Now (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
If you posses oxycodone or hydrocodone or prescriptions pills that do not belong to you (you do not have a valid prescription), that can be charged as a felony in the state of Nebraska. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Nebraska involving prescription pills, call an experienced criminal defense attorney and lawyer.
"I didn't know about them" isn't an excuse that will work in Nebraska Courts. Possessing prescription pills for which you do not have a valid prescription constitutes a felony in the State of Nebraska. If you have been arrested for possessing oxy, hydro or other prescription pills, you could go to prison and you need an experienced prescription pill attorney and lawyer.
"I once had a client -- a nurse -- who gave a prescription pill, a Lexapro, to a co-worker. The co-worker had a valid prescription for Lexapro, but had run out of pills. The nurse believed that since the co-worker had a valid prescription, it wouldn't be a problem to give the co-worker one of her own pills" (Wythers).
Giving another person a prescription pill, like a Lexopro or Hydrocodone, is a felony in Nebraska. In this case, the nurse required immediate legal service to help her avoid a felony arrest, conviction, and possible imprisonment.
The consequences for being convicted of a crime involving a prescription are the same as any other felony:
If you have been charged with a crime involving prescription medications or other drug crimes, contact Wythers Law immediately.
Contact an Attorney with Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427