Emergency Lawyer Available Now (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
Emergency Lawyer Available Now (402) 643-3639 AFTER HOURS (402) 643-5427
Have you been arrested for driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
There are several consequences of a DUI arrest that require immediate attention:
If you have been ticketed or arrested for Driving Under the Influence, contact Chad Wythers immediately to discuss your options and the consequences of your arrest
Seward County, Nebraska
Seward, Nebraska
Lancaster County, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Saline County, Nebraska
Crete, Nebraska
Butler County, Nebraska
David City, Nebraska
York County, Nebraska
York, Nebraska
Fillmore County, Nebraska
Geneva, Nebraska
Hamilton County, Nebraska
Aurora, Nebraska
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427.
Contact an Attorney at Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
In the state of Nebraska, if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level is .08% or higher, you could be charged with a DUI. For individuals under the age of 21, the maximum BAC level is .02%.
As such, it is important to understand that the moment you step behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, you have automatically given consent to submit to a chemical test that can be used to determine the amount of alcohol in your blood.
Additionally, if you refuse to take a test, you are subject to automatic license revocation.
Upon retaining Chad, he will ask a series of questions pertaining to your DUI arrest:
After examining the details of your arrest, Chad may uncover evidence that proves your charges should be dismissed or reduced, and he will efficiently identify if your test was improperly administered.
Contact an Attorney at Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
Chad Wythers is a member of the National College for DUI Defense. He has taken the certification course for Field Sobriety Tests in Nebraska, and he is a national published author in the area of DUI law.
When you hire an experienced DUI attorney, you will have someone on your team who will aggressively fight the charge and work to get the charges dismissed or reduced.
If you have a commercial drivers license, the consequences of a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impact your job or future jobs.
Contact Wythers Law if you have been arrested and charged with DUI contact an attorney immediately.
Seward County, Nebraska
Seward, Nebraska
Lancaster County, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Saline County, Nebraska
Crete, Nebraska
Butler County, Nebraska
David City, Nebraska
York County, Nebraska
York, Nebraska
Fillmore County, Nebraska
Geneva, Nebraska
Hamilton County, Nebraska
Aurora, Nebraska
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427
Contact an Attorney at Wythers Law
Office: (402) 643-3639
After Hours: (402) 643-5427